Friday, 16 December 2011

Pet hates. Part one of many.

  1. People who can't spell. Gewjus. No.
  2. People who talk like morons; Init. No.
  3. People who can't understand sarcasm. What is sarcasm, where did it come from? No.
  4. People who think they're fucking amazing, when they are in fact, not. I'm amazing. No.
  5. People who think it's cool to be stupid.  What is pi? No.
  6. People like the people above, but are just genuinely idiots. Herpy derp, No.
  7. The lack of respect the majority of people seem to have for anything. Lets smash shit up! No.
  8. People who call their children awful names. My baby's name is: Jtywhfsjfjshfsdk, No.
  9. People who are generally vile. I like to lick my own armpits. No.
  10. People who are too stupid to be racist. Piss off back home! Nope..pretty sure they were born here.
  11. People who think they're really smart, but are in fact not. Well, I think that pi is actually 5. No. 
  12. People who are too stupid to actually be alive. Darwin awards. N...okay, you get that one. Yes!
  13. People who hurt people for fun. Lets smash this person up! No.
  14. Perez Hilton. I agree, You agree? Oh my.

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